
Grow in Christ and Each Other

Here at Calvary, we strive to create opportunities for adults to grow in their relationship with Christ and each other. On Sunday’s, we offer two mixed adult classes. (men and women) Mixed Adults 1 is taught by Mr. John Reedy and is held in the Fellowship Hall on the south end. This class is generally ages 60 and up. Mixed Adults 2 is taught by Mr. Wyatt Burke and the class is located down the main education hallway. This class is generally ages 30s to 50s. There is also a women’s class taught by Mrs. Beverly Robertson held in the Fellowship Hall on the north end. This class is for women of all ages.

Women's Adult Bible Study

Every Other Tuesday at 10:00 am

led by Ms. Phyllis Durr and meets every other Tuesday. There is a class that meets at 10:00 am for those who are available during the day and a class at 6:00 pm for those who work. This class meets in the Fellowship Hall and is a wonderful opportunity for our ladies to get to know other women through small group discipleship.
55 and over

Forever Young

Forever Young is a ministry for those who are 55 and older. Forever Young is directed by Vickie Lamb and Betty Pendergradst and Forever Young is always finding ways to fellowship together through outings, meals, and activities. This is a special ministry that brings a special group of folks together.


Fourth Thursdays

Retreads is ministry for those who refuse to “retire,” but maybe they’ve been “retread.” Retreads is held on the fourth Thursday of the month and it is a potluck breakfast held in the Fellowship Hall at 8:00 am. There is food, coffee, fellowship, and a different guest speaker to lead out in a devotion each month. This is not just for those who are “retired,” during the summer, teachers and students will join us and we invite ANYONE who is available to attend – stay at home mothers, home school families, night shift workers, or anyone who is free during that time to come and join us.